365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 353 - Runny Noses & Ranger Games

Today Macy woke up with a runny nose - I'm thinking it has everything to do with her teeth that are about to break through, but who knows. No fever or anything, so that's good :)
Tonight, Lindsey called and told us she had some free tickets to the Ranger's game, and that it was dollar hotdog night there as well, and wanted to know if we wanted to go. OF COURSE we wanted to go! So we got dressed and ready and headed out to the game.

Had a great time with Lindsey & Cody, and Macy was SO good the entire time we were there. Because she's walking now, I didn't want her trying to get down and walking around on the nasty ground, and she has no shoes, so we stopped by the shoe store near our house and found her some cute shoes on clearance (woohoo!). Funny thing was, though, that she was unsure how to really walk in them when we put her down :) Besides the million crickets that were on and under our seats that freaked us out (especially when one latched onto my finger and I screamed like a crazy girl!!), we had a really fun time.

And even though some of them are blurry, I have lots of pics to post :) One especially I have to post just to show Macy's new thing - pointing. She was on Miguel's shoulders and had her hand lifted to the sky pointing and chattering away. It was too dark to get a good shot of her, and then when I did, she was done. :)

Fun times!!


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