365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 331 - Planning a Party!

A month from tomorrow, we will be having Macy's 1st birthday party (her bday is on the 10th of August), so I spent some of today getting ideas and things planned for that big event. So exciting! Macy had a fun day of sleeping and eating, sleeping, and more eating. I've been trying to teach her sign language for a few words, "more" being one of those words. I constantly show her and say the word to her when she comes back to me for more graham crackers. And today, I must have shown her 20 times, because she'd keep coming back for more. You'd think after that many trips back to me for more crackers, she'd have the sign down. Nope, she doesn't. She just waves at me! Every single time she comes and stands at my legs wanting more, I ask "more?", sign to her, and then she waves at me. Okay, so I've about made up my mind that she will actually speak the word "more" before she'll ever sign it! Guess that will do too! :)


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