365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 22

Baby girl got lots of hugs and kisses today when she went with me up to my work for a brief visit. I think it wore her out - when we picked Andrew up from school, she passed out (as usual) into a deep sleep... Andrew was quite glad, because he got a few of his own snuggles in with her while she was snoozing. :)

Day 21

First day back to church this morning since Macy was born! It was nice - she slept through the music and preaching and then got passed around to our friends afterwards. :) Had lunch with our second family, the Done's, and then came home where she napped while Andrew and I went down to the pool and park for a few hours. Now we're just winding down and I had to grab a few pics of Miss Macy while she was sleeping, since that's what she does best (during the day anyway!). Caught a sleepy grin too :)

Day 20

Today we spent some time at the park with the kids. Miguel and Andrew played frisbee (and spent 30 minutes fishing the frisbee out of the creek after Andrew's turn throwing it!), Macy laid on the blanket under the trees, and I sat and read a page or two of my book. It was a nice day outside - we need more of those! I'm throwing a pic of big brother Andrew in today's 365 pics, I'm sure you won't mind :)

Day 19

What a busy day it's been!! Macy had her two week checkup this morning - she's grown quite a bit in her 19 days of life.... She now weighs 7lb, 12oz (she was 6lb 10oz at birth), and she's now 20.5 inches long (18.5 at birth). Dr. B was quite pleased with her progress and said we have a beautiful and very healthy baby girl. Macy, however, was not that pleased at the fact that she had to have her 2nd PKU test done - her poor little heel had to get pricked and she let us experience the strength of her lungs once again like she did when she was born. That girl can cry! lol

After that we went to Miguel's work so Macy could meet all of daddy's coworkers. He's SUCH a proud daddy :)

Tonight we had Macy & Andrew's aunt Mari and uncle Jonah over with their girls, Micaela & Genna, for Genna's birthday, to eat, and play the Wii. We tried to get a picture of the kids and Aunt Mari with the baby, but this is the best we could do.... :)

Day 18

Let me just say - take a fussy Macy and put her in the bath and she's one happy girl. Takes after her mommy :) Nothing exciting today. Tried to rest while Andrew was at school - still trying to get a schedule going. Tomorrow Macy goes to see the doctor for the first time since being in the hospital! Can't wait to see how she's grown!

Day 17

A do-nothing kind of day today. Got some much needed sleep in while Macy did what she normally does - eat, sleep, and poop. :) Actually caught her with her eyes open tonight. Trying to keep them open a little longer so she'll sleep longer tonight. Hey, one can hope! :)

Day 16

Today was Andrew's first day of Kindergarten, so Macy and I had a day to ourselves once we dropped big brother off at school. It was quite the quiet day, but surprisingly enough, Macy stayed awake for a lot of the day. She was even awake in the car long enough to see Andrew when we picked him up, but crashed soon after (as did Andrew when he got home). It was a tiring day for all of us!

Day 15

Well, today was uneventful. Actually, Macy's big brother and I went to finish his school supply shopping and had to stop by the church to pick up something I needed. Funny how the first word out of eveyone's mouth was "Where's the baby???!!" Macy, you are well loved, missy!

Two weeks old today, 15th day of life... (and Andrew wanted in on a pic tonight - along with bunny ears for everyone!)

Day 14

Just for my own record, Macy's cord fell off today! Not only that, but today she went on her first photo shoot with me. She enjoyed being out at the shaded park with us while we took some pics of a wonderful family this evening. But of course, it wiped her out, so you get another sleepy Macy shot. :)

Day 13

Today Macy got to spend a little time with her cousin, Abigail, because Abigail came up with my sister and family to attend a Rough Riders game. My sister took this pic and sent it to me just in time to post as my 365 picture of the day.

Day 12

Okay, today's task was to get a pic of Macy with her eyes open. After a day of rest and a busy evening with meet-the-teacher at Andrew's school, we barely caught this one as we were getting ready for bed....

Day 11

After a trip to the dentist with big brother Andrew, visiting Andrew's former school, and eating (or watching us eat!) at McAlister's Deli, Miss Macy Bug was wiped out. Day 12 will be much calmer, that's for sure, so maybe we'll get her with her eyes open!

First Ten Days of Macy Marie

Starting today (posting pics from the last 9 days to catch up!), I will be posting a picture of Macy, my baby girl born 8-10-09, on every day of her first year of life. Sure, she may not change all that much in the matter of a day, but it will be fun to have a record of those 365 days in photo form.

So without futher ado, here is the little Macy bug. :) (Forgive the quality of the last few - tomorrow I will have to start saving higher resolution photos so that the medium-sized pics will post properly)

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5 (with Grandpa Al):

Day 6:
Oh no!! We can't find a picture from this day!!! Probably just due to having my parents leave town that day, us taking Andrew to the movies and for ice cream....I didn't even send one via cell phone to my sister who requests one daily! SHAME ON US! So you'll just have to picture in your mind what Macy looked like on Day 6. LOL

Day 7 (with big brother Andrew):

Day 8:

Day 9:

Day 10: