365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 347 - Is it Friday Yet??

Today we had another house full, and it seemed the kiddos were just "off" again today. Macy wanted nothing to do with eating or playing, she just wanted to sleep. Preston was tired and cried off and on all morning until he went down for a nap. Andrew was pretty okay, and even he took an afternoon nap :) Mia was good as always, and went down for a nap with no problem. I didn't get a nap, because of the 6 year old who thinks he needs to ask me a million questions when he sees that my eyes are closed. haha

Tonight I was asked to shoot photos of a comedy tour group who were going to be at our church performing. I set it up with the lead man, and went to do the pics... it was a long night, and tough lighting situations, but I think I got him the shots he needed. If so, you'll be seeing my work on his website, and I'll be going to a few more of their shows to get additional shots :)

Macy, when trying to take the pic of the day, was in a sleepy state... she looked ready to pass out for the night, and shortly after the pic, I put her in bed and she waved and waved until I put her in bed with her paci, and she didn't fight me or fuss at all, just layed right down :) She was wiped out I guess.... from all that sleeping she did today! haha


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