365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 327 - Fun Friday Indeed!

This morning we all woke up and went to the park to feed the squirrels & ducks. One squirrel came right to my hand and took the bread from me (not the peanuts - those we would toss out for them and they'd grab them and run to bury them in the mulch!). It was great fun, and we'll definitely go back to feed them again maybe next week.

After the park, we went to the farmers market to grab some fresh veggies and fruits, then we ran to Target & then had some frozen yogurt before going home. At home, we just napped while Miguel mowed the front yard. Later, I took the kids for a bike ride (they rode in the carrier behind me), after trying to convince Andrew to try and learn to ride his bike without training wheels - yeah, that didn't work too well. He was too scared I'd let him fall, and he doesn't like it. :) Then it started pouring rain, and I took Andrew out to the sidewalk and gutter on the street to play in the rain. He loved that, and I have to admit, I had fun too :) Hey, it was Fun Friday - just because it rains doesn't mean we can't have fun!!
After playing in the rain, Miguel went and traded in some games to get some new ones. Came home and the boys played games while Macy ate (no way!!) and I played with some wedding photos I'm editing. I think Andrew ended up having a fun day, and that's what it's all about :)

As for Macy - her days are always fun when she gets to eat, play, sleep, and be loved on by all of us!

(and this pic for today - she was getting kinda tired, and was mad that I was just trying to get a good pic of her instead of picking her up and putting her to bed!) :)


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