365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 350 - Church Time & Family Time

Today we sent Marcie & family off to Six Flags as we loaded up in the car shortly after and headed to church. I had to keep the babies in the nursery again today, so that was a blessing. After church, we had to high-tale it to our Aunt Mary's house for a baby shower for Miguel's cousins... they are having twin boys, and it was a fun shower full of food, scavenger hunts, pinatas, and family. It went on into the evening and we got home kinda late, and I had to spend time editing photos for a sweet couple before bed. I was supposed to have another engagement session tonight but postponed it due to our full schedule and me having been out every single night since last Sunday. Looking forward to tomorrow and the rest I should be able to get in between editing photos!! :)


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