365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 340 - Out And About

Since Miguel was home because he wasn't feeling well, when Mia went to sleep for her afternoon nap, I took Macy with me to run a few errands. Got some good grocery game deals at Kroger, and stopped by the church to see some friends.

After being home later in the evening, Macy bug started taking more and more steps, so we pulled out the video camera again, in hopes of getting a good video of it finally. We got one of her going about two tiny steps, but then I just sat back and let her do her thing, and ended up getting a really good one a bit later...I'll post the link to that video here for you to watch :) After the video, while she was playing in the living room with Andrew, we caught her taking lots more steps without really even thinking about it. I believe by next week she'll have it down pretty well. It's crazy! Many people are sad that she's not really a baby anymore - I understand that sentiment, but at the same time, I love this stage and age, and I can't wait to see her grow more and learn the love her brother really has for her, and learn to play more with him... it's amazing the relationship they already have :) Yes, I do miss the baby stages, of course, but I know I can't keep her that way forever, it's inevitable, really. :)

And thank you, Auntie Donna, for the puzzles. Macy loves them, as they are her first :) Now I know what to get her for her bday :)

Goodnight all, and don't forget to watch the video of her walking (just click on the link to view it).... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtfHrTdszCQ


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