365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Tu-Tu Cute :)

Macy, when she's awake, gets to play with Mia, who I keep 3 days a week.... together, they like getting into things - one thing that's always fun for them to find, is snacks :) And the other day, I found Macy giving the bag of yogurt puffs to Mia, and Mia was trying her hardest to open them. Had to get a picture of them during their mission. haha And lucky for us, we have good friends who lend us pj's for Macy bug... thank you, Gina!

We had some sessions this weekend, so I took Macy's tutu so we could get an "official" one-year photo of her. :)

Waterparks & 1st Grade!

Sunday, we went to the waterpark for one last day of fun before school started today (we had Monday off for some reason). Andrew was VERY excited to go to the waterpark again, and we all had a really fun time together. After, we went to get some school clothes at the mall with Grandpa Al. ...but before the waterpark, I had gotten Macy up, but didn't want to put her in her swimming diaper, in case she soaked it through before we even got to the park. So I had her in a diaper, still in her PJ top, and then I threw her shoes on her feet so she could walk outside. And don't forget breakfast! She had a chocolate donut, so that was all over her face too :) So needless to say, she was quite the sight! lol

And today, Andrew started 1st grade! His teacher, Mrs. Olson, is really sweet, and I think he will have a good year. We had to take the first day of school photos, of course, and I'm posting one that will compare last years 1st day to this year. Crazy how the kiddos grow so fast!!

Because she's making me :)

My mom wrote me today... said "pictures, pictures, I NEED PICTURES!!" ...guess I should post some before she grounds me. hahaha

I also posted a video one post before this one, so go look at that if you haven't yet :)

Macy's hair is all kinds of crazy in these pics because we had been at the pool and she had sunscreen all in her hair. I didn't think to fix it before our impromptu session :)

And thank you Buela, for the too too cute dress!! She looks too too cute in it!

A video of Macy & Andrew :)

Macy's making a new noise - it's kinda a laugh, sometimes a scream, but whatever it is, she knows it's funny and most of the time, we can't get her to stop :) Just ignore the messy floor and house! :)

With The Year Behind Us...

Well now what am I supposed to do with this blog??!! I was going to end it and start another one, but I think I'll just keep this one going - I just won't number the entries as how old Macy is - and I will not update it daily.... but I will update as I can, with pictures of Macy & Andrew and just share what we're up to in our regular lives. :)

Macy had this outfit in her closet that I had bought a LONG time ago, from Sam's. It is probably one of my most favorite outfits, and today she finally got to wear it. We didn't go anywhere, but she didn't seem to mind being dressed up with nowhere to go :) And to be silly, I pulled Macy's hair up on the top of her head, to see if she had enough to clip up there. She does :) But we don't prefer it that way, so she will wear it down until she gets enough to be clipped back with little clips. But it was fun seeing her in a different look :)

So enjoy the 'new' blog... come back daily, every other day, weekly, whatever, and find what I've written! And look for pics, too, cause that's what I'm all about!

Goodnight, blog. :)

Happy 1st Birthday, Macy Marie!

Today is Macy's 1st birthday!! For my own record.... Macy is now 100% walking, no more crawling for her! She has 6 teeth now, 4 on the top, 2 on the bottom. Her hair has curls in the bottom at times, but some days it's really straight. She can now clap and she says "hiiiii". She loves making us laugh, and she simply adores her daddy and brother (and mommy I must add!). This last year has gone by crazy fast and yet I'm very excited to see what the year ahead has in store for us :)
This morning, we gave her the gift we had for her... a baby doll. She, of course, loved it, and gave it hugs and kisses when Miguel got it out of the box for her. Other than that, we didn't do anything else for her big day. I had 3 other kids besides my own two, so we just kept them and Macy bug slept most of the day.

And the 1yr 'official' bday photo - HAHAHA that was interesting to say the least! It took several tries, but we finally settled on this funny one to be the one :)
Happy Birthday to my sweet sweet girl :) I love you!!

Day 365 - We Made It!

Today is Macy's 365th day of life :) It's hard to believe that my baby girl will be 1 year old tomorrow! Nothing exciting happened today, we just stayed in away from the heat...

Day 364 - Almost There!!

Well, tomorrow Macy will have been here for 365 days :) On her actual bday, Tuesday, it will be her 366th day of life. I'm so thrilled that I've been so blessed to have gotten to spend most of her 1st entire year of life right next to her, every single day, seeing her change and grow and learn. The girl is too cute.

Today we had to get our broken car back to our house, so we missed church. After the guys got it home (luckily Justin & Marcie stayed the night and he was here to help Miguel get it home), they took the kids swimming. After swimming, I went to some stores with Marcie and then we had dinner together before they all went home and I went to do the photo session that was cancelled on Friday due to the rain. Now I'm relaxing and editing photos and getting ready for the week.

It's been a fun weekend for sure and we are definitely blessed!!
Oh, and the pic of Andrew in the goggles - we were cracking up at how he looked in them! These goggles were some old pair from probably YEARS ago that he found and has discovered that he likes using at the pool. No matter that they are too small and squeeze together in the middle between his eyes! He doesn't care a bit. Even after we laughed and laughed at him. He just kept smiling, making us laugh even more. Hahaha

Day 363 - Macy's 1st Birthday Party!!

Today was Macy Marie's First Birthday party ever! We had lots of friends and family come by for ice cream sundaes, brownies & cake, and Macy wore her cute tutu and onesie that a family friend made for her. It went well, Macy was well-rested and in a decent mood (tired at times but still not cranky or fussy), and it was really nice to have everyone over and together again. We miss having people over and just to hang out with.

Bad event of the day - our little car died completely tonight, and we had to leave it in a parking lot in Grapevine. Not good news. But we had fun regardless and are all worn completely out from the busy day!

Day 362 - Running Around Getting Ready for The Party

Today we ran to get me a haircut and then came home for Macy to nap.... Andrew and I went out this evening for a photo session, but when we got to the location of the session, it started pouring rain, so it had to be cancelled and we ran to Walmart to get the rest of the items we needed for the party tomorrow. It's been a super busy day of cleaning, preparing, and getting items ready for the big day. Excited to have family and friends come over tomorrow to help us celebrate our almost one-year old baby girl! :)

Day 361 - Last Day of Camp & First Bday Presents!

Well, to start off, I'm posting a few pics from yesterday that I forgot to post.... but I couldn't NOT post them, because there is one of Macy showing how she throws a fit :) Face & hands on the floor, bent over, and whining. She's such a mess. And this was after church and she was very tired and cranky. haha

The other pics are horribly quality, but oh well! One is of Macy (and Andrew) opening her first bday gift from Gina - she got a book, some PJ's, and an outfit for the fall. So fun and exciting that it's almost her birthday!

Day 360 - Waterparks & Friends

Today we went to the nearby waterpark with some friends and their kiddos. We had free tickets and brought our lunches, so it made for a fun and free day. Andrew woke up excited, and you can just see the joy all over his little face :) Macy, well, she had fun eating. She played hard, and then napped in the stroller, and then ate and ate and ate. It was a nice day out. Church tonight for camp, again, and Macy was a pro in childcare - woohoo!