365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Babbling beauty

Macy's been babbling a lot more lately. She's really cute, walking around chattering in her own little language :) Got some pics of her in a sweet outfit, and the other day, I caught her inside one of my kitchen drawers. She's gone crazy - has learned to crawl onto the couch with no assistance, has been climbing up and into anything she can get herself in to - one favorite now being the kitchen drawers. But I love her and she can crawl in my kitchen drawers any day. :)

I need to take some pics of my boy in the next day or two, also - so be on the lookout for those!

Playing at the park

I had a session at the park last night, so the family came along so we could enjoy some of this cooler air for a change. Macy had fun running from me and my camera, along with pulling her clip out of her hair every time I'd put it in :)

Milk is a dollar?!

Our Super Target has milk on sale for .99 this week! (limit two - and you better believe I got my 2 gallons!) They had to keep up with the nearby store, Aldi, who had theirs for .99 too. But yay for that and a few other steals I got tonight.

In other news, Macy said "baby" today. I've been working with her on it for a week or so, and today she said it. Just once, and we may not hear it again for months, but at least she said it :)

Pics of my boy when he tagged along with me on a photo session this weekend, and some of the girl too :)

Back to normal

Macy's sleep schedule has returned to normal for the most part... This whole week, she's been awake for 4-5 hours, naps for 4 hours, and then is up for 4-5 more hours per day. This is good stuff :)

Just some random pics...

We wear our goldfish on our necks

This is day number 2 that Macy has stayed awake for 8 total hours (4 in the morning, 4 hour nap, then up for 4 more hours)... today was actually 9 total, but who's counting? haha I am counting, actually! Hoping and praying that our baby girl is outgrowing the 20 hour sleeping schedule! Hoping the rest of the week goes as good as today and yesterday have gone!

I got Macy some real shoes this weekend - she has shoes but they are the flimsy kind that are not really made for outdoors or heavy walking. So I got her some white shoes that she can wear for a while and with anything really. She looks so big in them, and it was quite humorous watching her learn to walk in them. Clomp, clomp, clomp - she picks up her feet real high like she's stomping :)

I think that's it!! Enjoy the pics, as that's all you come here for anyway, right?! haha

Family, gators, and snakes, Photo overload!

Lately we've just been trying to keep Macy awake and happy! She's been very cranky and clingy since her bloodwork last week to find out why she sleeps so much. We still need to see a sleep specialist about it, but so far her bloodwork looks fine. In the meantime, we're trying to keep her happy when she is awake, and trying to convince her that we're not going to leave her or give her shots or take her blood from her arms again. She doesn't seem to believe us, as she constantly wants us to hold her or be near her. Poor punkin.

Spent Labor Day weekend in East Texas with our families. Posting pics from the weekend and some other random pics, just to catch up :)