365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 328 - Happy 3rd of July

We had a pretty eventful day today... This morning we woke up late and just spent much of the day playing the Wii and cleaning up the house. Macy spent much of her morning eating Nilla Wafer cookies. hahaha These cookies were actually what convinced her to TAKE HER FIRST THREE STEPS!!! Miguel held out a cookie, and miss Macy bug walked straight for it! Of course, then when I get the video camera out, all she wants is the camera and only crawls for it, not trying to walk anymore. Ah well, at least we know it's coming and that she CAN walk :) She just doesn't want to yet. :) But the cookies - she loves loves loves those things and I guess at one point, she ran out of them. So she found the box and decided to get herself one...or two, or how about a dozen or so?! She dumped them out into her lap and you should have seen her face! She was a very happy girl :) In the pic posted, she had a cookie stuffed in her mouth, that's why she looked a little goofy.

After naps and getting ready, my friend (and Andrew's Kindergarden teacher) Lindsey came over and we took the kids to a nearby town to eat, walk around, and see the fireworks. It was nice. We had a coupon for a nice pizza/Italian place, so we had dinner there, then we walked around and Andrew made some candy art, jumped in some bounce houses, slid down a big slide, then we waited in a LONG line for him to get a balloon animal (or in andrew's case, a balloon jet!). While waiting in that line, the fireworks started. So we got his balloon and went to sit down to watch the rest of the fireworks. Macy didn't know what to think - at first, she giggled when one would shoot up into the air, but if you left her alone (to try and take a picture!), she'd start crying and reaching for someone to hold her. Andrew liked them but thought they were too loud :) After it was over, we walked to the Nestle cookie place and got us some YUMMY cookies to take home with us. Then we went to the bookstore and got Andrew some books. Then we left to come home.

Miguel stayed home because he had some UFC fight on TV that he was having some guys come over to watch with him. So we got home and visited with them and then they all left and that was the night for us!!

We'll see what other kind of trouble we can stir up tomorrow :)


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