365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 278 - Garage Sales & A Climbing Girl

Today we had a garage sale!! I also kept another little boy that I'll be keeping probably two days per week this summer, and that went really well too! The garage sale was great and we had just enough time to get everything in before a horrible storm hit us and broke our tree in half! I'm SO upset about the tree! That was our tree and we never thought we'd have a pretty tree after this being the 3rd one in the same hole, but it took about a year or so ago and this year it was looking SO pretty! And then SNAP, CRACK, and POP. The tree is no more. It's awful.

Macy was up through some of the sale, but asleep for most of it, but we grabbed some pics of her when Andrew came home and we played outside for a bit when it stopped raining for a while.

And the picture of Macy standing backwards in the shopping cart.... um, yeah. This was a complete shock to me that she could get herself into this position! She was buckled in, but still managed to get her feet up, and get into a standing position, trying to literally climb completely out! She thought she was just soooo big after that! Looks like I'm going to have my hands full with her!


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