365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 276 - She Loves Her Ritz Crackers

Finally, Macy is able to eat more solids - crackers, baby puffs, etc... without choking. And today, I was snacking on some Ritz crackers, and as she woke up and wouldn't take her jar of baby food (too chunky - she hasn't quite started liking that yet), I threw a cracker onto her tray and sat in front of her to see what she'd do. And surprisingly, she knew how to work those two small front teeth... and she bit off a small bite, chewed it up and then went to town on the remainder of the cracker. And then had about 4 more after that! (complete with banging her hands on the tray in between crackers when I wasn't getting them to her fast enough!) Love that cracker-eating girl! :)


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