365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 271 - Pictures, Flowers, and Outdoor Playtime

This morning, Macy went with me to meet a little boy that I may start keeping part-time, and to do his pictures at the Botanical Gardens in Ft. Worth. It was a fun time, and Macy bug was very good in her stroller and didn't get fussy until the very end of the session after we'd toted her around the park trying to get pics of this very independent little boy :) It was fun though, regardless, and I snuck in a pic or two of Macy in her stroller while we were there.

After that, and after her afternoon nap, we spent some time outside in the front yard, getting the flower beds in shape. She played in her jumperoo while I layed mulch and while Miguel worked on the bike trailer that his friend gave us. Then I hopped on my bike and took the kiddos for a ride around the neighborhood to test it out. We're very excited about getting out there and enjoying something as a family on a regular basis!


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