365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 267 - A Day Out of The Ordinary

Well, today started out fine. Macy & I went to the grocery store once Miguel & Andrew were off to school & work... but while at the store, a friend called who was going into the hospital to be induced to have her second baby! This normally is pretty exciting news - but today, it was scary news! This was the very first birth that I was going to photograph!! So we headed home and waited for her next phone call, which came at 3:30pm, telling me to come on up to the hospital, that they were breaking her water and that it should all start happening pretty fast from then on. So I get there at 4, and we end up waiting 7 hours for her to finally be ready to start pushing! I took some pics while waiting those 7 hours, and then directly after the baby girl was born and "pinked up". It was a very amazing moment and I'm so glad I was able to photograph the process and tomorrow I will return to take pics of the baby with grandma and big sister. I have to be honest, though - this pic from today was actually taken at 12:15am, because that's when I got home and was able to get it! :) (I'll blame Miguel for that, since he forgot to take a pic earlier in the night for me haha) But she didn't change in 15 minutes, I promise :)

AND - this is what happens when you leave daddy home with the kids, and haven't had a chance to put the clean laundry away... Macy ends up sleeping in PJ's that are about 3 months too small, and so he just cuts the feet/legs out and makes them work :) Love that man :)


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