365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 323 - Getting Better & A Fun Evening

I guess Macy bug is feeling better... she had a touch of fever, but Tylenol brought that down, and she's had less yucky diapers today as well. And the white on her gums, the ulcer thing, has gone way down, so that's a blessing too! My sister and her family were in town today and were staying at the Great Wolf Lodge over in Grapevine, so this evening, we drove over and met them at the mall to walk around, and then had dinner with them at a little Mexican restaurant Miguel and I used to go to way back in the day :) It was fun... and Macy was SO good the entire time. She'd been up since about 4pm, and stayed awake (and happy!!), well until we left the hotel to head home (after 11:30pm!).

Macy entertained herself, and us, by having bites of a lime during dinner. She would constantly make the sour face, but she'd keep eating the lime regardless. It was too funny! Aunt Marcie also bought her some bling for her little wrist - some bangle bracelets that we'd wanted to get her since she was born, even since before she was born! She thought it was a chew toy once we put one on her wrist, and she spent several minutes chewing it, or trying too :)

Andrew was excited to know that when we got home, it would be Tuesday, instead of Monday. He didn't think I was telling the truth, but I showed him on my phone when we got home that it was now Tuesday instead of Monday, as it had shown just hours ago. He got home and told the dogs "good morning dogs!", and was just so excited that it was now a new day, but that he was going to bed! It was cute :)


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