365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 322 - Urgent Care & No Front Teeth

This morning, Macy was running a high fever, and had just had way too many yucky diapers over the last 3 days, and wasn't eating because of the white spot on her gum that we thought was her tooth trying to come through (found out later it wasn't her tooth after all!). So we stayed home from church, as to not spread germs, if she was indeed sick. And after talking with a friend, I decided to take her to the urgent care clinic to figure out what was going on. Poor baby was just so calm and lethargic almost, when we arrived. She let me hold her and she didn't make as much as a peep, and she didn't really even move around much, which is not normal for her! The doc ended up telling us that she has an ear infection (what?! we would have never guessed that one!), and that's causing the yucky diapers. The white on her gum is indeed, NOT a tooth, but instead, something like an ulcer on her gum. They called it a mucocele/mucocyst, but those are not supposed to hurt, and this was obviously really hurting her, because she wouldn't let you touch it and she wasn't eating much because of the pain. So they prescribed an antibiotic and I dropped her off at the house while I went to get her medicine. Hopefully after a day or so on it, she will be as good as new!! My poor baby! And hopefully all that "teething" we thought was going on, will actually not be bad when it does have to happen!


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