365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 306 - Sleeping, Swimming, and Such Big Flowers!!

Macy bug slept for much of the day... when she wasn't sleeping, we went to the pool. Riley is here for the weekend and so he went with us, of course. And of course, Macy fell asleep in the stroller while we were there, and then went to bed again once we got home...and slept for about 5 hours. That girl knows how to get her beauty sleep!! :)

Before swimming, I made up some flowers to see what they looked like.... Let's just say one of them, she will NOT be wearing!! It's a HUGE flower I've had for a long time and finally threw a stone on and tried it on her head. Maybe someone will buy it, cause it's WAY too big for us!! But someone out there will probably use it for their baby's heads, but not me! It was worth a few laughs, though!! The smaller flower is much more our style, if anything, these days.



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