365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 173 - We Found Them, Mimi!!

Well, the mystery is solved! A week or so ago, when we came home from Mimi & Papa's house, we seemed to have misplaced two of Macy's paci's (wubba nub - the paci with the animal attached to it)... the bear and the cat were missing and all we had left was the duck. She only uses the paci when she's in bed, so it's been no huge deal, but we just couldn't figure out where they were hiding! So tonight, I went on a search. In the car - nope. Under her dresser - nope. Mixed in with her headbands and hats - nope! I then went to move her little play gym thing that she lays under, and it was folded up.... I unfold it and there they were!! Both of them :) Her little family of wubba nubs is complete at last! haha

So these flowers....though they may look really really big, as my mom says - Macy will never need to wear sunscreen - the flowers block enough of the sun out of her face :)


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