365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 167 - Big Brothers Surprise Party Day

Today we had a surprise birthday party for Andrew. Macy was finally able wear this really cute outfit that someone had given her before she was born that is actually size 0-3months! She's in 6 month clothes, so it was nice for her to get to wear it finally. She got lots of compliments. And we all had a great time with the friends and family that were able to join us, and missed the ones who weren't able to come. However, Andrew "knew" about his party, because his cousin kinda filled him in on it. But we hid everyone in my bedroom and when he showed up I just acted like nothing was different. Told him that someone had dropped off a present for him and that I put it in my room if he wanted to go and get it. So he ran in there - as soon as he opened the door, everyone (a room full!) yelled SURPRISE! at him. He LOVED it! :) They said Macy was the loudest one in the room when they were trying to be quiet, because of her congestion :) So we played the Wii, ate pizza, chips, cookies, taco soup, cake, ice cream, and just sat and talked and had fun together. Andrew got some fun gifts and we just really enjoyed the day. My sisters-in-law stayed late into the night playing games and watching TV with us and it was a fun day and showed us just how blessed we really are :)

Lots of Macy bug pics today! And one of the bday boy!


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