365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 160 - A Night Away

Mimi & Papa came up this morning to get Macy bug so she could go back home with them and spend the night. Unfortunately, she woke up with a fever :( We gave her medicine and sent her on her way, and she did fine. We took Andrew to San Antonio for the Monster Jam that we bought tickets for for Andrew's 6th birthday. It was lots of fun, but while we were gone, we found out that my church back home, Tyland Baptist, where my parents and sister's family attend, burned to the ground (the second time since I've been alive - the first time was in 1982). Such a sad night after that but we did have a good time at the Monster Jam.... but we REALLY missed our girl! Even Andrew - he told me after the Monster Jam that he "really missed Macy and her soft little hands, her smiling at him, and just that he really really missed her." Such a sweet kiddo. Loves his sister soooo much!!

Oh, Mimi & Papa also brought Macy Minnie ears from their trip to Disney... Andrew had to try them on too :)


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