365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 150 - It's a Busy Life

Even though I'm now staying at home 24/7 due to keeping another baby during the days and not having a driveable vehicle while I'm home, I'm still staying just as busy as ever. Probably busier! After keeping the babies and getting things ready for school/work in the morning for Miguel & Andrew, and then cooking dinner, cleaning up after dinner, doing laundry, emptying and loading the dishwasher, getting bath & bed ready for Andrew, getting Macy fed, changed and in bed....it's actually proving to be much more work than I did when I had a full-time job outside of the home! I love it, though, and wouldn't change it for the world. :)

This little sweet baby girl is one of the two reasons I am doing this.... the other is for Andrew & for Miguel, who I hope to become the best wife to that I can be. I hope he sees my desire and hard work to be the best for him.

Sweet Macy after having her bottle and going down for the night (ha - the girl will be up at 3am just as always and my day will then begin!)...


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