365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 172 - Such a Good Girl

Macy was awake for most of the day today. She took one good nap but played the rest of the time. I wasn't used to having her awake that much, but she was just soooo good that it didn't matter. She jumped in her jumperoo, played on the ground with her toys, sat in her bouncy chair and watched the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and was just generally very good. Unless she got hungry but that was it! And we got a really sweet video of her laughing herself silly at her big brother, Andrew. He can crack her up unlike anyone else. I'll post that video maybe tomorrow. For now, I'm off to soak in a hot bath. Miguel has been so stinkin' sick, and today Cameron was a handful, so now that Macy is in bed, and Andrew is fed and taken care of, I'm going to relax for a bit. :)


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