365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 200 - Finding Her Binks

(So I happen to call her pacifier, Binks, so what?!) haha

Macy bug has learned how to find her paci almost every time she wakes up in her crib now. It's about the only time she sucks on it now - she doesn't take it during the day or when we put her to bed, but has definitely taken to finding it when she wakes up. So I've been proud each time I walk into her room to see her smiling behind that paci that she's somehow managed to find and get into her mouth. She's a smarty pants. :)

But today, upon waking up from her nap, her daddy went in to pick her up, and found her with her arm stuck way up in her sleeve, that she had sucked to no end, with the sleeve soaking wet... and he said she was trying her hardest to get that paci into her mouth, by using her hand that was stuck in her sleeve! It was too cute. And I guess she succeeded, because there it was, in her mouth, right where she needed it to be :)

We sure love that girl!


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