365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 192 - Sweet Baby Girl

Even when she's soooo tired, she's still soooo sweet! The batteries on my camera died tonight, so I had to use our backup camera, and I'm not used to it anymore, and had to work quick to get a few shots before she started fussing (it was bedtime and she was starving).... so unfortunately, the pics from today are kinda blurry. But they were still really cute, so I had to post them :) It was that or a pic of her sleeping in her crib, because that's where she is currently.

The pic of her and Andrew... he was supposed to be sitting behind her to help her back up if she fell over (she's learning how to sit up and sometimes still falls over), and he then wanted to get in the shot with her... but all she was wanting to do was chew on his feet. :) And he's so ticklish everywhere, especially his feet. So it was funny to see her grabbing his feet and him giggling :) I LOVE his love for her. Today I put her in the umbrella stroller like a big girl, to pick him up from the bus stop... she loved it and her little feet were just swinging back and forth the whole time... Well, when Andrew saw her in the stroller sitting up, the first thing out of his mouth was "Mommy, did you buckle her in??!!" Um, yeah Andrew, I did. :) He is such a little protector to her, it's so sweet. She's a lucky little girl! And we are lucky parents!!


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