365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 189 - Happy Valentine's Day!

We enjoyed our Valentine's Day together as a family and with my sister-in-law, Marisa, and her two girls, Genna & Micaela. And of course, Riley too :) Woke up and gave everyone their V-day gifts... Macy got a card and, well, she got a highchair yesterday. The kids played the Wii while Macy watched and napped, we had a yummy lunch thanks to Aunt Mari, and we just relaxed and had a good day together.

I went out for a bit in the afternoon before Miguel had to take Riley home, and when I came back, M & R were playing the guitar and singing together. Riley had Macy in his lap and while we were sitting there, her head nodded forward and the girl went right to sleep. This girl NEVER just falls asleep in random places. She has to be snuggled or put down in her bed to sleep... so seeing her fall over asleep like this on her big brother was just too sweet for words.

Just a few random pics from the day :)


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