365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 176 - It was a Monday, for sure!

Even stay at home moms can have those typical Mondays! I fell asleep when the babies were sleeping this morning, and was supposed to get up at 10am to order tickets for a concert that my sisters and I and our hubbies are attending in March... Well, the babies didn't wake up, so neither did I!! We got our seats, but I felt awful when it was 10:30 and I hadn't done anything yet in my day!

Got up, got busy! Cameron was a bit fussy today, and so that was no fun :( Macy was okay - but I think she was a bit tired too, and so it was nice when they both went down for naps at 3, and Macy didn't even wake back up until 5:45!! Crazy girl. She was funny this morning, though, when she scooted herself so much backwards that her entire body ended up underneath our entertainment center - all that was showing was her little head. She was looking at me like 'um, could someone get me out of here please??' hahaha

She was wanting someone to hold her this evening and just love on her, so she got her wish and had her daddy hold her and put her to sleep. Sweet baby girl just loves her daddy so so much. :)


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