365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 185 - 6 Months Old Already!

Can you believe I've posted a picture of Macy from every day of her life for 6 months straight?! I can't believe my baby girl is already half a year old!! As of today, she has no teeth, but chews every single thing she can get her hands on. As of today, she can now scoot across the floor (video posted) to get to what interests her. As of today, she deals with no separation and/or stranger anxiety. As of today, she is a delight and a blessing that we constantly thank God for.

In one of the pics, she's in the middle of the cereal boxes that she found sitting in the floor that someone gave us. She pulled each one of them from the bag they were in and enjoyed chewing on them and banging around on them :)

In the others, the 'real' 6 month pic, you can tell she wants to chew the paper....We didn't even get a good shot because all she wanted was to go after that paper - she could care less about our antics to get her to look up at us for a good shot. Oh well, the pics I got shows her personality and it captured the moments perfectly. :)

And enjoy the video of Macy bug scooting across the floor... it's not long, so watch it all :)


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