365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 197 - Chewing Swords

Yes, we're wearing our snowman (and Christmas tree!) PJ's tonight, cause it's gonna SNOW again tomorrow! CRAZY weather!!

I haven't yet mentioned it here, but Macy bug is really starting to sit up more now. She hasn't really been able to get herself up into a sitting position on her own yet, but if we put her that way, she pretty much can stay that way for a long time. Loving it. And holding her bottle - when she's hungry enough, she does it really good! Other times, she just plays with it, twisting it around in her hands, trying to chew on the side of it, etc... only resulting in milk up her nose, in her hair, sprayed on her eyes... Pretty funny stuff. But we're excited to see her doing a few more things on her own now. But the scooting - it's just gotten better and faster since I last posted about it. The girl is ALL OVER the place now. If she sees something she wants (my pink polka dotted socks), she makes her way over to it in no time. And then proceeds to chew it (making my toes tickled and soggy!) to death. :) Today she tried actually crawling - she used her hands to move her body, but then proceeded to just fall to the ground and scoot the rest of the way. Hey, whatever's faster works for her. No need to do that crawling business when my knees, toes, and belly work just fine, she's probably thinking. haha

She LOVES her brothers foam sword, too. Give her that, and she'll be happy for hours. No, really. Until she gets teeth, then it's bye-bye sword!

It was a good day with my Macy girl and my Andrew boy when he got home from school. :)


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