365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 44 - Thank you my sweet little girl!

Macy slept oh, from about 12:30am until 7am this morning - and then some! She actually didn't wake me up as early as she normally does, so when I finally did open my own eyes, I saw that Andrew would be late for school if I didn't get up and get him awake and dressed. We were rushing but I was thankful that she let me sleep so much! Let's see if she does it again tonight!
The weather has been WONDERFUL today, so even though we spent most of the day inside, once Andrew got home from school, we went for a walk and Andrew spent some time searching for bugs with his big magnifying glass (pic included). It was such a nice night and Macy loved being outdoors as always!
Important meetings for me tomorrow - will update on those soon. :)
Enjoy the pics from our day!!


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