365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 36 - Take me away!!!

Our normal morning nap-after-we-take-Andrew-to-school lasted all of maybe 1 hour today. Normally we sleep for a good 2-3 hours, at least! But noooooooo!! Miss Macy-bug thought it would be fun to wake up and get in some good daytime TV today. All.Day.Long. She stayed awake from around 10am until we went to pick Andrew up from school at 2:50pm, and then when we drove to Wal-Mart after getting him, she finally fell asleep. But then she was back up after Miguel got home at 6ish. So really, she got a little cat nap in twice today, but me - not so much! So now that she's down, I'm heading for a hot bubble bath! Who wants to guess how long it will take me to fall asleep in there?! :)

Macy posed today with what her "I-wanna-be-awake-and-not-let-my-mommy-ever-nap" day led me to buy. haha


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