365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 42 - Church, pizza, nap, park, football, oh my!

A nice day today...church this morning followed by a nice little lunch at the new Pizza Inn next to our house. After that, we went home to rest. And that we did. All of us except for Andrew of course - that kid never naps! I fell asleep at the computer while Miguel snoozed in the floor and Macy had her own little spot on the sofa next to the chair I was in. Unfortunately for us, Miguel woke up earlier than we did and snapped a few pics of us! Don't worry Miguel - I won't make the payback be too bad ;) Then I took Andrew down to the playground in our neighborhood and thought Macy-bug would like to go along. I "wore" her down there with my Moby wrap that I finally figured out. And this is now my best friend. Macy LOVES it and sleeps probably more soundly than ever when she's in there. Now we're laying around watching Throwdown with Bobby Flay (me) and the Cowboy game (Miguel & Macy), just getting ready for another crazy busy week. This will be my last week at home with the girl for a while. Updates on that situation to come at a later date...


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