365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 263 - Pancakes & Strawberries

Well, I think we're getting over the gagging-when-eating-thicker-bites stage. haha Macy has never been really good at eating anything thicker than the thin baby foods, and we've slowly been giving her more and more bites of stuff to try and get her used to chewing and not gagging so much. Well, I think she's got it down pretty good. She ate about half of a apple/cinnamon streusel pancake and a whole strawberry that I cut up for her. And lots and lots of Gerber puffs....those are her favorites by far! Now if we could just teach her how to get them actually IN her mouth instead of stuck to her cheek, in her diaper (don't ask - I have no idea how that one got there!!), or in the highchair beside her. :)


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