365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 260 - A Lazy Day

Seems we have a lot of lazy days around my house :) At least Macy & I do, the boys are always busy with work and school, but me and Macy have it easy. Well, most of the time, anyway. :) I guess the girl is growing, because she's gotten pretty much over the allergies or cold that was getting her down, but she's still sleeping 4-5 hours during the day, and through the whole night as well. And eating - the girl gets mad now when I don't let her have her spoon... she wants to shovel food in her mouth herself, apparently, so we've started letting her have Gerber puffs and wagon wheels to chew on. Oh, and the little sweet angel has become quite the spitfire! She now knows how to push our hands away or bat/slap at you when you come near and when she doesn't want you to touch her or whatnot, she gets fiesty! Little toot! Hopefully it's just a phase :) I'm having to show her who's boss, but when I do, you should know that her little lip sticks out and she starts her little pout. :) Sweet girl... stolen all of our hearts :)


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