365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 255 - Bluebonnets and Sleep

Wow, Macy slept a TON today. More on that in a bit... But the first thing we did today was, we met up with Laura (Mia's aunt) and Cason (Mia's cousin), and took the kids and Macy to the bluebonnets for photos! Macy did great (as you see in her pics), but poor little Cason was soooo terrified of the flowers - it was actually really funny, but he did NOT want to be there in the midst of them, so we only got a few of him, and a few of Mia as well, as she just wasn't in a smiling mood. But it was fun, up until Macy ate a bluebonnet and then threw it up after it got stuck in her throat. Poor child, her mommy must not watch her very good. ;)

So then we came home and Mia went down for her nap, as did Macy. This was at 10:30. Well, Mia woke up around 12:30 and had lunch and then left at 1pm, but Macy slept through all of that.... she didn't wake up until 4:30pm!!!!!! Poor baby girl is still sick :( She coughs through her nap and just has the worst runny nose. Hoping for relief one of these days!!

It was a fun day, then we ended it at church for T-Kids, where one of the youth members pulled the fire alarm and sent all 400+ kids/teachers/youth, outside to wait for the firemen to tell us we could go back inside. Poor Andrew, after church, told me that during the alarm, he was soooo scared that Macy was stuck inside the church and he didn't want anything to happen to her. Sweet boy. We reassured him that Macy was fine and that she'd always get out because there were lots of people looking out for her and the other kiddos, him included.

That's all I've got :)


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