365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 250 - Sick and Tired

My poor sweet baby girl is miserable lately. At first we thought it might be more teeth coming in, but now I just think she's sick :( When she wakes up, her nose is just so crusty and stuffed up and she just can't breathe very well at all. And when you go after her to wipe her nose or to clean her up, she freaks out and starts fighting you. So forget medicine (not that she can even take anything at her age- UGH!) or the nasal bulb to suction out her hose. No way, Jose! She's only been up for an hour or two at most, during the times she's been awake...the rest of the time she's been sleeping. I guess that's a good thing, but I just don't like her feeling so tired and restless and unable to breathe clearly :( I'm hoping she will get better instead of worse, but so far it looks like this cold or whatever it is, is sticking around for the long haul. Pray for healing for my baby girl!!

This pic is specially for my sis, Marcie - as we saw this outfit at Sams one day and she commented on how cute it was. Well, months ago, I bought it, and so I had to get a pic of Macy bug in it so she could see just how much cuter it was on her :)


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