365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 222 - The Sick Boy & Momma's Girl

Well, Andrew got the dreaded virus. In the middle of the night, (actually, around 3am), after our house alarm went off, waking us all up. So luckily, we were all up when he started getting sick. Poor little guy. He spent the day hanging out in the living room floor or in his room, all the while, carrying a trashcan with him everywhere. Macy hasn't gotten sick but continues to have yucky diapers. We'll see what tomorrow brings! (about the alarm - nothing but a false alarm)

While Miguel stayed home with his own upset stomach and headache, I left the kids home with him while I ran to do two sessions. I think, as we go to bed, we're all feeling okay. Andrew even ate dinner, so we'll see if that stays in him through the night.

This pic of Macy - is funny to me.... When I came in the door from my sessions, she immediately saw me and started crawling toward me, whining/fussing the whole way. I couldn't pick her up right away, so she just followed me around the living room and kitchen, fussing for me to pick her up! We put up a blockade of ottomans and her carseat so she can't get into the kitchen when she's not supposed to, and so this was taken when I was in the kitchen and she was trying with all of her might to get over her carseat and into the kitchen to me. She was yelling at me to come and get her, that's why her mouth is open like that. :) Though she really just wanted a bottle and to be put to bed, she just knew I would be the one who would help her out :)


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