365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 129 - A Do Nothing Kind of Day

...Well, it was for Macy anyway! I have had about 5 sessions to edit all at once, and my entire couch is filled with laundry waiting to be folded and put away - so my day was NOT a do nothing kind of day! But poor Macy still isn't feeling all that great, so she just slept and ate...and ate...and ate, all day long. Played in her jumperoo, in her bumbo, in her bouncy chair, took a nap in her crib, and played a lot on the floor. Oh what a life. No worries in the world until she gets a grip on those baby keys and throws them into her head - then it's no fun anymore. haha (and about the pics - one is blurry, but it's too cute not to post)...


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