365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 124 - First time for everything

This morning I agreed to help out with childcare at our church for their MOPS group. Two other ladies and I had 7 babies to take care of. Macy was the youngest, and by far the best baby - she didn't make a peep the entire time and was just content to be swinging or in the exersaucer....which was a first for her. She loved that thing and just bounced around and enjoyed all of the bright colors and sounds coming from all directions around her. (not only that, but being in the church baby room was a first in itself - she's never had to go to the nursery yet - she stays with me during church - but I think she enjoyed being around other babies and toys!) So after a little Christmas shopping, we went and got her her Christmas present a little early... A jumperoo! It's just like an exersaucer only it doesn't have a bottom to it, and instead, it has bungie type things that make her bounce when her feet jump off of the floor. Pics of that coming on day 124...

While I put the jumperoo together, Macy bug sat in her Bumbo chair and watched me. Then Andrew came around and wanted in the pic...only he wanted to make Macy have bunny ears. So the other pic of Macy has Andrew flopped down on the ground behind her, because he was upset that I wouldn't let him put bunny ears behind her head. It's such a joy taking pics of BOTH kids...one happy as a lark and one spread out on the floor being a cranky pants. :)


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