365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 121 - She Finally Laughed for Me!

Macy has laughed a few times in her little life already, but never for me. One little giggle, but that has been it. She cracked everyone up a week before Thanksgiving when she laughed her little head off at my dad when they babysat her. Miguel was there too at the time, and so he heard it and recorded it on his cell phone for me to hear (but not see). Since then, we've done everything but stand on our heads (knowing my girl, she's probably waiting for that to happen before she laughs!) to get her to laugh, and still nothing. Just lots of big grins but no giggles. Until tonight. She's been very vocal all night, so I got out the camera to catch her "talking", and what do you know! Miguel had her little pink monster rattle toy and she just thought tonight was the night that thing would be funny. :) I made two videos, both are similar, but one has a cute little surprise toward the end, so I had to post it. haha

The pics...one is of her sleeping, of course... in her little pink bunny slippers :) And the other is of her new frustration - we sit her in her bouncy chair and during the times she doesn't want to be in it, she tries to work her way out. She turns her body over and then gets stuck - and mad. It's pretty funny watching her try to wiggle out but she's still too short to hit the ground with her feet - and besides, if she did get to the ground, what does she think she's going to do - start crawling away? She'd better not! haha So she just gets herself stuck and fusses until someone comes to her rescue. Or takes her picture. :)

Enjoy the videos as well as the pics!


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