365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 123 - 4 Months Old Already?!

Today Macy bug is 4 months old. What do you think she spent it doing? Yeah - sleeping. Can't beat that, I guess! When she was awake, she spent a little time in her bouncy chair - and instead of flipping herself sideways in it, this time she learned how to scoot herself down and out of it. She never made it out, because she would end up practically upside down with her feet in the air, and I'd come rescue her before she flopped out :) But I had to grab a quick pic on her way out of the chair - her head is normally a few inches higher in the chair, so you can tell she's been scooting herself down further and further by kicking her feet and pushing with all of her might. It's pretty funny - she gets really upset about it too :) So happy 4 month bday my wiggly little baby girl!!! We love you!


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