365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 78 - A painful day for mom, an "off" day for Macy

I've had a horrible headache all day long that kept me home from work, unfortunately. Macy went to the babysitter's house, and she, too, had some sort of issue today. She's been crying a lot for some reason we can't figure out, she hasn't been sleeping good, and she's just not herself. Not sure what's going on. Even now, it's 10pm and she's still awake...which is odd for her. Who knows. I hope it's nothing... She did pass out on Miguel for a bit during dinner, so I snapped a quick pic for the blog so I wouldn't have to mess with her later and chance making her mad...as posing for photos isn't the highest thing on her list of priorities when she is feeling bad :)


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