365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 67 - A long, long day

Sheesh. I seem to be missing Macy more and more every day that goes by when I'm at work and not with her. Andrew, too. I'm so excited to be able to be at home with and for them. It gets worse and worse the closer I get to my last day of work. I'm so ready to already be there. God is definitely teaching me some lessons on patience, that's for sure!
Miss Macy bug is growing like a weed, so I'm putting her in a few outfits this week that she's starting to get too big for. And now it's getting cool outside, so I've had to go raid the resale shops for some pants and long sleeved tops for the girlie. Don't want her freezing!

It was a pretty day outside, so we took the photos outdoors today in the normal photo chair :) (and one of Andrew because he's just as special) :)


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