365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Family, gators, and snakes, Photo overload!

Lately we've just been trying to keep Macy awake and happy! She's been very cranky and clingy since her bloodwork last week to find out why she sleeps so much. We still need to see a sleep specialist about it, but so far her bloodwork looks fine. In the meantime, we're trying to keep her happy when she is awake, and trying to convince her that we're not going to leave her or give her shots or take her blood from her arms again. She doesn't seem to believe us, as she constantly wants us to hold her or be near her. Poor punkin.

Spent Labor Day weekend in East Texas with our families. Posting pics from the weekend and some other random pics, just to catch up :)


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