365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 264 - Running, Sleeping, Baseball & Brothers

This morning Macy & I ran some errands, trying to find some flowers to make hair clips with for a few people, and to find her some PJ's from the resale shop. Then back to the house, where the girl went down for her nap at 11am and napped until 4:45!!! She loves her sleep, can you tell?!

Andrew had a baseball game tonight (where he played so well that he got the "game ball", signed by coach), and so we loaded up the snacks and stroller and enjoyed the nice evening at the park with everyone. And then Miguel went to pick Riley up, so Macy had both brothers there to play with once we got home! She stayed up until almost 10 - which is very late for her! :) Tomorrow is another big day, with baseball pictures and then another game, and then a later lunch with Buela :) Should be a fun day if we can get Macy to nap sometime during all of that...if not, we'll just have to make sure she has lots of snacks and toys to keep her happy!

These pics are of Miguel playing patty-cake with Macy bug. She loves when you sing that to her, and just smiles away.... and slowly, she's learning to put her little hands together to clap. And of course, her favorite word is still da-da-da-da-da... whatever! :)

Day 263 - Pancakes & Strawberries

Well, I think we're getting over the gagging-when-eating-thicker-bites stage. haha Macy has never been really good at eating anything thicker than the thin baby foods, and we've slowly been giving her more and more bites of stuff to try and get her used to chewing and not gagging so much. Well, I think she's got it down pretty good. She ate about half of a apple/cinnamon streusel pancake and a whole strawberry that I cut up for her. And lots and lots of Gerber puffs....those are her favorites by far! Now if we could just teach her how to get them actually IN her mouth instead of stuck to her cheek, in her diaper (don't ask - I have no idea how that one got there!!), or in the highchair beside her. :)

Day 262 - Sleeping, Meetings, and Church

We rested a lot this morning, after Macy played for an hour or so with Mia... Then after Andrew got home from school, we headed up and went to meet an old friend for a Starbucks tea - we had to talk about her wedding that I have been hired to photograph. If I could get past the nerves, I know I would do a fine job - so I have 52 days to calm down :) After our meeting, we headed to church (well, after a quick stop at Target for $.26 baby foods that a friend of mine had told me about), for T-Kids. Then headed home when that was over. Before getting ready for bed, Macy sat in the floor and played with Ranger and the rest of us. I grabbed my camera for the photo of the day, but I didn't have my batteries in my extended flash, and had to use the pop-up flash on my camera (which I do NOT like using!).... Macy is showing us that it was way too bright for her!! :)

Until tomorrow...

Day 261 - Lunch, Window Shopping, And Friends

After sleeping late this morning, Macy & I got out and met up with my friend Sarah, and her two girls, Sloan(7 mths) and Laney (4), at McD's. Lanely likes to play while Sarah and I catch up. Macy enjoys people watching - the girl is so observant, a place like the McD's playground is the best entertainment for her! After that, Macy & I went to JCPenney and walked around, remembering what it was like to actually be able to buy stuff. haha We didn't buy anything, of course, but it was nice to get out and stroll around for a bit before having to go home. While there, I took a pic of her sitting in the stroller thing. :) And the other pic is of Ranger sniffing her - he always loves to give her lots of sniffs and sometimes kisses. She just turns her cheek like I taught her ;)

Day 260 - A Lazy Day

Seems we have a lot of lazy days around my house :) At least Macy & I do, the boys are always busy with work and school, but me and Macy have it easy. Well, most of the time, anyway. :) I guess the girl is growing, because she's gotten pretty much over the allergies or cold that was getting her down, but she's still sleeping 4-5 hours during the day, and through the whole night as well. And eating - the girl gets mad now when I don't let her have her spoon... she wants to shovel food in her mouth herself, apparently, so we've started letting her have Gerber puffs and wagon wheels to chew on. Oh, and the little sweet angel has become quite the spitfire! She now knows how to push our hands away or bat/slap at you when you come near and when she doesn't want you to touch her or whatnot, she gets fiesty! Little toot! Hopefully it's just a phase :) I'm having to show her who's boss, but when I do, you should know that her little lip sticks out and she starts her little pout. :) Sweet girl... stolen all of our hearts :)

Day 259 - Beautiful Day All Around

Church, lunch with friends, pictures of those friends in the bluebonnets, Senior portrait session, then home with the boy, girl, and Miguel. Macy bug had fun playing airplane on her daddy's feet, as every kid has to do with their dad or mom. :) It was a busy day but very nice weather and just enjoyable all around.

Day 258 - Sleep, Air Hockey, and Bluebonnet Sessions

We all got to sleep in a little this morning, then got up and had apple & cinnamon streusel pancakes and fried eggs for breakfast. Yummy. :) After cleaning up the garage a little, we played a little air hockey and then got dressed and ready to head down to the bluebonnets for a session with cousin Ya-Ya. It was a great little session, and she's such a good little model - the colors were great and the light was perfect too. Very excited to get those edited and posted. Other than that, we stayed home and relaxed. Tomorrow Macy will have a day off from photo sessions, as I'm going to two during the afternoon but she will hang out with the boys for the day while I work. A beautiful day and a great time spent together, just what I needed!!

Day 257 - Learning The Trade

Macy has already gone on several photo shoots with me in her little life and she's always so good when we go, just like her big brother. Hopefully they'll always be this good when going with me to do my 'job'. :) Today we did the bridal photos for a friend of ours from church, and as expected, she was beautiful and made my shoot very easy! Love those sessions!! Can't wait to reveal them after the wedding!! For today, just a pic of my girl (a little blurry), sitting in her stroller while we were out doing the session. Love her!!

Day 256 - More Bluebonnets!

Quick post tonight - just lots of pics! We took Andrew after school, to do his pics in the flowers, and he had such a good time... and believe it or not we even got a few good ones of him and Macy together! :) I'm pleased as punch. Or something. haha

Day 255 - Bluebonnets and Sleep

Wow, Macy slept a TON today. More on that in a bit... But the first thing we did today was, we met up with Laura (Mia's aunt) and Cason (Mia's cousin), and took the kids and Macy to the bluebonnets for photos! Macy did great (as you see in her pics), but poor little Cason was soooo terrified of the flowers - it was actually really funny, but he did NOT want to be there in the midst of them, so we only got a few of him, and a few of Mia as well, as she just wasn't in a smiling mood. But it was fun, up until Macy ate a bluebonnet and then threw it up after it got stuck in her throat. Poor child, her mommy must not watch her very good. ;)

So then we came home and Mia went down for her nap, as did Macy. This was at 10:30. Well, Mia woke up around 12:30 and had lunch and then left at 1pm, but Macy slept through all of that.... she didn't wake up until 4:30pm!!!!!! Poor baby girl is still sick :( She coughs through her nap and just has the worst runny nose. Hoping for relief one of these days!!

It was a fun day, then we ended it at church for T-Kids, where one of the youth members pulled the fire alarm and sent all 400+ kids/teachers/youth, outside to wait for the firemen to tell us we could go back inside. Poor Andrew, after church, told me that during the alarm, he was soooo scared that Macy was stuck inside the church and he didn't want anything to happen to her. Sweet boy. We reassured him that Macy was fine and that she'd always get out because there were lots of people looking out for her and the other kiddos, him included.

That's all I've got :)

Day 254 - Climbing Like a Big Kid

Macy LOVES climbing up the slide to her new little playground that we found at the garage sale a few weekends ago. She acts like such a big kid, heading straight up like she's a little pro :) So I'm attaching a video of her climbing... And of course, a pic of our sweet girl taken after we got home from the choir performance and art showcase that was at Andrew's school (taken with a runny nose and all!). Tomorrow you may see a sample of a bluebonnet pic or two :) (click the play button on the video, even if you just see nothing but black - it works, I promise!)

Day 253 - Sleeping The Whole Day Away

Okay, so Macy woke up at 6:45 and had a bottle, then slept until 1:30pm. Yes, you heard/read that right - she didn't get up until well after lunchtime. Poor baby girl, she was just coughing SO much and she just couldn't rest very well, so I let her stay in there and sleep as she was able. After she got up, we had lunch and then eventually walked down to get Andrew at the bus stop... that's where the pic was from for today...

And happy birthday to Aunt Susie!!

Day 252 - Our Pretty Girl - Ketchup & All...

We all got up and ready for church this morning - Macy bug looking cute as always! For some reason she just looked extra sweet today though, and she was in an adorable mood to match. After lunch, she took a little nap, then woke up and apparently, I didn't clean up from my lunch very well, because the little miss found the sauce cup full of ketchup that I had used for my fries.... and I didn't notice she had found it for quite some time. And when I did - of COURSE I had to run and grab my camera!! :) She obviously has the same love for ketchup as Andrew has. hahahahaha So today, you get pictures pre-ketchup and post-ketchup!!

Day 251 - Going Out In The Rain

Last night, our nieces, Micaela & Genna, spent the night with us, so this morning, everyone woke up and pretty much stayed inside and played all day long. It rained throughout the night and ALL day long, so it was a Wii kind of day :) Macy felt a tiny bit better today - she was awake for longer periods, and pretty happy during those awake times. Then tonight, we had to run to the store, and Miguel wasn't home from the hospital (his uncle was having surgery) yet, so I had to take the kids with me. (the nieces had already gone home) So we loaded up and had a crazy time running from the car to the store and back in the pouring rain. I think Macy stayed the driest, because for some reason, it's the baby who is always the first to be thought of in times like those. :) But that's okay - Andrew's a trooper and didn't even want to be under the umbrella :)

Getting ready for bed, I realized I hadn't grabbed a picture of my girl all day long, so I put her in her PJ's and chased her around the living room floor. The pic of her crying is my fault - she wanted me to pick her up but I wouldn't until I got a pic of her :) I know - I'm so mean. haha

Day 250 - Sick and Tired

My poor sweet baby girl is miserable lately. At first we thought it might be more teeth coming in, but now I just think she's sick :( When she wakes up, her nose is just so crusty and stuffed up and she just can't breathe very well at all. And when you go after her to wipe her nose or to clean her up, she freaks out and starts fighting you. So forget medicine (not that she can even take anything at her age- UGH!) or the nasal bulb to suction out her hose. No way, Jose! She's only been up for an hour or two at most, during the times she's been awake...the rest of the time she's been sleeping. I guess that's a good thing, but I just don't like her feeling so tired and restless and unable to breathe clearly :( I'm hoping she will get better instead of worse, but so far it looks like this cold or whatever it is, is sticking around for the long haul. Pray for healing for my baby girl!!

This pic is specially for my sis, Marcie - as we saw this outfit at Sams one day and she commented on how cute it was. Well, months ago, I bought it, and so I had to get a pic of Macy bug in it so she could see just how much cuter it was on her :)

Day 249 - Evening of Baseball

Andrew had a game tonight, so Macy & I went (Miguel had to work late).... Of course, the girlie won't stay in the stroller, so I let her out and put her on the ground - she enjoyed standing at the fence cheering her big brother on :) But then she got tired and I had to take her for a stroll...while walking around, the son of our baseball coach, and the daughter of the coach on the other team (we used to play on their team in previous seasons), found us and wanted to play with Macy. So they sat on the ground and giggled at her when she'd smile at them :)

Day 248 - Sitting On The Sidewalk

Today I had two little ones to watch this morning, and Macy bug slept so late (10!), she almost missed it all, but she did get to see Cason (Mia's cousin), and Mia, briefly, before she passed out again at 11. :)

We went for a walk before we had to get Andrew at the bus stop, but when we did get to the bus stop, Macy started getting soooo mad because I had stopped walking and she wanted OUT of that stroller! So I took her out and let her crawl around on the sidewalk. She thought she was just IT out there, doing something she wouldn't normally get to do or something. It was cute, and she was happy :) Even if the sun hat I made her wear kept flopping down in her eyes :)

Day 247 - 1st Trip to the Zoo

Well, Andrew woke up feeling fine, so we all packed up and went to the zoo with Andrew's Kindergarten classes. It was a perfect day, and Macy enjoyed being outside, and gave us no problems at all. She's such a good-natured baby and Andrew just loved having his little sister on his field trip with him. Her favorite part of the trip - the little fish in the aquariums - they'd swim by and she would just smile soooo sweetly at them :)

Day 246 - Sick Brother & Another Lazy Day

Andrew woke up sick this morning, so he stayed home so that we could nurse him back to full health before his field trip at school tomorrow. Luckily, as of tonight, he's feeling much better!! So it looks like the zoo trip is still a go for us :)

Macy had another lazy day - she slept a lot, and played a lot. She's in bed for the night, and I'm thinking I'd better go pack up our bags for our day tomorrow. It's going to be a fun day, so expect to see lots of cute pics from Macy's first trip to the zoo! :)

Day 245 - A Day at Home

Macy slept almost ALL DAY LONG today. She woke up at 4:30am for a bottle, then slept until about 10:15ish... then went back down at 11:30 and slept until 1:30 maybe... then went back down around 3:30ish, and stayed asleep until I got back from a photo session and grocery shopping, at 7pm. She got up and played and ate... letting me get some cute pics of her on the playground thing we got at the garage sale the other day (for $10!!). She would CRAWL up the slide by herself!! (got a pic of her doing that before we put her PJ's on) Then Miguel started putting her at the top of the slide, and she would push herself forward so she would slide down to Miguel. She giggled so much and wanted to slide down again and again :) It was too cute, but the only pic of her actually sliding, came out blurry. Oh well, you get the point :)

Tomorrow we get a day off, then Tuesday we're off to the zoo for a fieldtrip!!

Day 244 - Crazy Busy 8 Month Bday!

Marcie, Justin, Abigail, & Jake came into town last night to spend the night and then today with us. We were soooo excited to have them!! Me, Macy, & Marcie, all woke up early today and went to a nearby town that was having its neighborhood garage sales all over the place. Ended up finding a little playground thing for Macy and my childcare kiddos, for $10! What a steal! After that, we ran home and got Andrew ready for his game, and headed over to his game with the kids (the husbands stayed at home/went to Cabellas). Andrew played well at his game, Macy had fun crawling all over the place, and it was just a nice little time outside. After running to Sam's, we went home, dropped the kids off with the guys, then Marcie & I headed to Sam Moon. I had to pick up some headbands for an order I'm making, and then we came home, got ready for dinner, and then left again for Grapevine, where we had a 'bday dinner' for Miguel, at Joe's Crabshack. I think that's Marcie's new favorite place because they have a playground outside that the kids can play at while you eat on the patio. It's a fun restaurant, but next time we WILL get Marcie to eat a crawfish!! :) After that, we ran to Southlake to the Cheesecake Factory because everyone wanted dessert. Then my sis & her family left for home while Miguel and I took the kids over to Barnes & Noble to browse the bargain books for a bit. After that, we headed home....

All of that to say that Macy had a BUSY BUSY 8 month birthday!! And that's why she's sleeping in her pic of the month!! :)

Speaking of 8 months old now.... She now has 1.5 teeth (the other is still on its way, almost through!), she is standing up against/pulling up against EVERYTHING, she is chattering more and more to herself, squealing and screaming with delight.... eating more solids and less bottles.... and just being the delight of our little family's life. We love that girl like nothing else. :) Happy 8 months, Macy bug!! We love you!!