Today we went to Laney's 4th bday party (Skylar's sister) at a jumping place.... we were only able to stay for a bit, as then we drove to Rockwall for our niece, YaYa's 1st bday party out there. Fun was had at both places, and Macy's big sunscreen flower headband was a hit :) There was a petting zoo at YaYa's party, and Andrew LOVED that - I'll add a pic from that too. And it was a Wonder Pets themed party, so the kids all got little wonder pet capes - even Macy got one :)
After that party, we went to Grandpa Al's house for a while, and when Miguel went out to get the car started and warmed up for us, he didn't realize that he'd locked the doors - with the keys inside the running car! :) So he tried for a good hour to get it unlocked, but it never worked so we had to call the locksmith. Of course, it only took her less than 5 minutes to unlock it. Ugh. Now we're all trying to get some sleep before the early service at church in the morning gets here. I am BEAT!