365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 174 - Parties & More Parties

Today we went to Laney's 4th bday party (Skylar's sister) at a jumping place.... we were only able to stay for a bit, as then we drove to Rockwall for our niece, YaYa's 1st bday party out there. Fun was had at both places, and Macy's big sunscreen flower headband was a hit :) There was a petting zoo at YaYa's party, and Andrew LOVED that - I'll add a pic from that too. And it was a Wonder Pets themed party, so the kids all got little wonder pet capes - even Macy got one :)

After that party, we went to Grandpa Al's house for a while, and when Miguel went out to get the car started and warmed up for us, he didn't realize that he'd locked the doors - with the keys inside the running car! :) So he tried for a good hour to get it unlocked, but it never worked so we had to call the locksmith. Of course, it only took her less than 5 minutes to unlock it. Ugh. Now we're all trying to get some sleep before the early service at church in the morning gets here. I am BEAT!

Day 173 - We Found Them, Mimi!!

Well, the mystery is solved! A week or so ago, when we came home from Mimi & Papa's house, we seemed to have misplaced two of Macy's paci's (wubba nub - the paci with the animal attached to it)... the bear and the cat were missing and all we had left was the duck. She only uses the paci when she's in bed, so it's been no huge deal, but we just couldn't figure out where they were hiding! So tonight, I went on a search. In the car - nope. Under her dresser - nope. Mixed in with her headbands and hats - nope! I then went to move her little play gym thing that she lays under, and it was folded up.... I unfold it and there they were!! Both of them :) Her little family of wubba nubs is complete at last! haha

So these flowers....though they may look really really big, as my mom says - Macy will never need to wear sunscreen - the flowers block enough of the sun out of her face :)

Day 172 - Such a Good Girl

Macy was awake for most of the day today. She took one good nap but played the rest of the time. I wasn't used to having her awake that much, but she was just soooo good that it didn't matter. She jumped in her jumperoo, played on the ground with her toys, sat in her bouncy chair and watched the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and was just generally very good. Unless she got hungry but that was it! And we got a really sweet video of her laughing herself silly at her big brother, Andrew. He can crack her up unlike anyone else. I'll post that video maybe tomorrow. For now, I'm off to soak in a hot bath. Miguel has been so stinkin' sick, and today Cameron was a handful, so now that Macy is in bed, and Andrew is fed and taken care of, I'm going to relax for a bit. :)

Day 171 - To Church, FINALLY!

Macy, Andrew, and myself, finally made it to church tonight. Miguel has been sick and in bed, so he stayed home, but we all were able to go. Andrew had T-Kids and Macy & I sat and visited with some of my friends for a few hours. It was nice to get out. And I'm loving having a baby girl who will go straight to bed without fussing or crying in her crib anymore. Naptimes and bedtimes are so much more pleasant now :) And goodness - the girl is now getting on her knees and rocking back and forth!!! STOP IT MACY! hahahaha

Day 170 - Playing With Feet

Macy has recently found her feet and it's the cutest thing ever to see her lay on her back and stick her feet in the air and play with them. :) She was very sweet today - I'm just enjoying my time at home with her so so so so much!!!

Day 169 - Growth Spurt?

Okay, hold on a sec. Who told Macy, my 5.5 month old baby girl, that it was okay for her to learn how to get up on her knees and push herself forward??? Come on now! Slow down the growing, would ya?!

Joking aside, Macy is going through some kind of growth spurt lately - she ate all day long today, a full 6 ounces at each feeding and then spent the rest of the time sleeping. It was weird. But expected sometimes... I remember going through those with Andrew when he was little. So anyway, the girl's been in bed awhile now, so I'm heading there myself :)

Day 168 - Nap Time!

Gosh, I was still feeling so sick today, so I stayed home with Macy from church. And slept. All.day.long. Well, not really. Just kinda. :) Watched the Saints vs. Viking game while Miguel took Riley home and that was about it. Didn't even get up to take any photos until Macy was in bed for the night. And guess what I discovered? I now know that when she wakes up crying in the middle of the night, she's not crying because she wants us to come and get her - she's crying because she probably bumped her head on that aquarium hanging above her head...oops! haha Nah, it's safe :)

Day 167 - Big Brothers Surprise Party Day

Today we had a surprise birthday party for Andrew. Macy was finally able wear this really cute outfit that someone had given her before she was born that is actually size 0-3months! She's in 6 month clothes, so it was nice for her to get to wear it finally. She got lots of compliments. And we all had a great time with the friends and family that were able to join us, and missed the ones who weren't able to come. However, Andrew "knew" about his party, because his cousin kinda filled him in on it. But we hid everyone in my bedroom and when he showed up I just acted like nothing was different. Told him that someone had dropped off a present for him and that I put it in my room if he wanted to go and get it. So he ran in there - as soon as he opened the door, everyone (a room full!) yelled SURPRISE! at him. He LOVED it! :) They said Macy was the loudest one in the room when they were trying to be quiet, because of her congestion :) So we played the Wii, ate pizza, chips, cookies, taco soup, cake, ice cream, and just sat and talked and had fun together. Andrew got some fun gifts and we just really enjoyed the day. My sisters-in-law stayed late into the night playing games and watching TV with us and it was a fun day and showed us just how blessed we really are :)

Lots of Macy bug pics today! And one of the bday boy!

Day 166 - Family Game Night

After dropping Miguel off at work this morning, I just had to get out of the house, even though I felt like I'd been run over by a monster truck :) So Macy and I met Sarah, Sloan & Laney at Babies R Us and then had a quick lunch together with them and then finished the morning off at Hobby Lobby buying more supplies for my flowers that I am making for some people. It was a good morning and then I had to get home and clean up before meeting Andrew at the bus stop. Once we got him, we loaded up in the car and headed to get Riley and then picked Miguel up from work and drove back home. Shortly after, Miguel's cousins came over as well as his sister, and they all played the Wii while I watched while making more flower clips. And of course, Macy was just happy go lucky all day to just be out and about and then to have people over holding her all night long (& trying all of her hats & headbands on her sweet little head!) :)

Day 165 - Mommy's Get Sick Too

Now I've gotten whatever it was that the rest of the family had. Hopefully it will only last 48 hours as theirs pretty much did. Who knows. But I felt awful all day, and I guess Macy was having an "I only want Mommy to hold me" day, because she really wasn't happy unless I was holding her. Which was really hard because all I wanted to do was sleep...hard to nap when she's napping when she's NOT napping! :) But she and I did feel good for a little part of the day after a nap, so we got on the floor to practice her scooting. These cell phone pics are all I got today, as she went to bed early tonight and I was just too busy with dinner and resting that I didn't even pull out the real camera. Enjoy :)

Day 164 - Her Big Brother's 6th Birthday

This post is more about Andrew than Macy bug... But today Macy's big brother turned 6 years old today! Before Macy's doctor appointment (yep, she's sick again-just a cold!), we went up to Andrew's school to have cupcakes with him and his friends in his class. And of course, Macy was all Andrew cared about - he really loves his little sis and it's just the sweetest thing in the world :)

Day 163 - My Sick Little Girl

Macy just cannot get over this illness...it's just awful. Her little nose is constantly running and she just sounds so yucky. She's still such a happy little baby, though, despite how awful she is feeling, and that only makes it all worse for us to watch. She shouldn't have to feel so bad :( I'm thinking I'll have to call her doc on Friday and see if I can get her in, or if they even feel that they need to see her.

One thing I'm not sure I mentioned yesterday that she's now doing... she's learned how to get up on her knees... not all of the time, but every once in a while, she'll prop herself up and try to push off to go forward, but then just plops right back down on her belly. The girl will be crawling in no time! OH NO! :)

The pic tonight is funny to me - when Andrew was a baby, we have one of him with a bubble in his nose. The bubble in Macy's nose was NOT there when I was preparing to take the pic, nor was it there after I snapped the pic - it just popped out as I clicked the camera and then went away. It was cute so I'm posting it :)

And the shirt - I made it myself. Well, I ironed the cross on myself.... maybe I should sell those too. lol I'm looking for all kinds of things to sell these days, and my friend said her husband bought their little girl a shirt that looks just like this one, and paid $26 for it. You never know :)

See you tomorrow, dear bloggie friends. :)

Day 162 - Staying Home

We all had the day off today, except I did have Cameron... but it was a very nice and relaxing day for me. We put Macy in one of her little Mexican dresses that we got her while in San Antonio. She looks SO cute in it!!! And I'm adding a pic of Andrew - we went out to ride his new bike his Aunt Mari gave him and he just looked so big and I had to grab a pic of it :)

Day 161 - Coming Home

Drove to Tyler to see the remains of the church... it was awful. What's even worse, is that another church was set on fire tonight. I sure hope they catch whoever is doing it.

Macy was good for my parents - they said she was missing us but had a lot of fun with everyone trying to entertain her. She slept the entire way home, so I know she had a good time and was just worn out from the fun. :) I, personally, was really happy to see her, as I'm not used to spending that much time away from her....it will be a while before I leave her again :)

Day 160 - A Night Away

Mimi & Papa came up this morning to get Macy bug so she could go back home with them and spend the night. Unfortunately, she woke up with a fever :( We gave her medicine and sent her on her way, and she did fine. We took Andrew to San Antonio for the Monster Jam that we bought tickets for for Andrew's 6th birthday. It was lots of fun, but while we were gone, we found out that my church back home, Tyland Baptist, where my parents and sister's family attend, burned to the ground (the second time since I've been alive - the first time was in 1982). Such a sad night after that but we did have a good time at the Monster Jam.... but we REALLY missed our girl! Even Andrew - he told me after the Monster Jam that he "really missed Macy and her soft little hands, her smiling at him, and just that he really really missed her." Such a sweet kiddo. Loves his sister soooo much!!

Oh, Mimi & Papa also brought Macy Minnie ears from their trip to Disney... Andrew had to try them on too :)

Day 159 - Not Feeling Herself Today

Not sure if Macy is feeling sick like her brother (and daddy now too!), but she just wasn't herself today. She's had no fever, but it sounds like her throat is a little sore, and she just sat in her bouncy seat almost all day, catching little cat naps and just resting. She's never like that, either, so I knew something was off. But she's still sweet as can be and gave us plenty of smiles today :) She and I went to Sams with Sarah (Skylar's mom - Skylar is Andrew's best girl-friend at school, and our neighbor) and Sloan (Skylar's baby sister)...that was fun for us, as we normally don't get many trips out without a boy involved :)

Tomorrow will be a hard day for me because Macy bug is going to spend the night with Mimi & Papa while we take the boy to see Monster Jam! Not very excited about missing that time with my girl, but she will be loved on bunches and will probably not miss me at all! I will be sure to grab a quick picture before we head out, so that I can post it for the day...can't fall down on my job - I'm already 157 days into this thing, gotta finish strong! :)

Day 158 - My Jumping Girl

Nothing much happened today. Andrew was home due to being sick (his teacher said that at the end of the day today, she only had 6 kids left!) and we just stayed pretty lazy. Macy spent some time jumping in her jumperoo tonight - that thing is a lifesaver at times! :) She goes to spend the night with Mimi & Papa tomorrow night while we take Andrew to San Antonio for a birthday surprise (Monster Jam monster truck rally!). I'm gonna miss her sooooo much!!!!! At least it's just one night! :)

Day 157 - Playing With Toys

Macy found her brother's stuffed dog in the floor today when she was rolling all over the place. It was pretty cute to watch her with it...she saw it, then tried to reach it, and then when she did finally grab it, it was all over for that puppy dog :) It was now her new chew toy (but don't tell Andrew!) haha

Another cute thing she's doing now, is that when we change her diaper, she throws her legs/feet up in the air for us. She holds them up the whole time you're changing her diaper, it's too sweet. That, and she's learned how to take naps in her big bed during the day - she gets fussy, I lay her down, she doesn't even fuss anymore! I love it!!

Day 156 - A Day With The Car!!

I didn't have Cameron today so Macy & I took Miguel to work and kept the car for the rest of the day. Got a lot of things done, dog food and such bought, and even stopped at McD's with a new friend for lunch! Lindsay, my new friend, has a daughter who is 3 days older than Macy, and she has a 2.5 year old little boy, so that made for lots to talk about. It was nice, and I think they will be coming over soon when I do have Cameron, just to hang out :)

Macy also modeled another one of my flower headbands today. Got lots of compliments!!

Day 155 - Finally Warmer Again!

The weather finally warmed up a bit today and we were able to get the stroller out and go for a little walk with Cameron & Macy. Macy was in the carrier attached to me, and promptly fell asleep in it as usual :) It was nice getting out - Andrew rode his new bike all the way down to the park and back and was pretty proud of himself for doing so. Soon enough his training wheels will come off and he'll be riding like a pro!

Day 154 - 5 Months Old Already!

Had a lazy day today. Lots of sleeping. :) Even for Macy bug! Tonight after her bath, we got her 5 month photo taken, in her PJ's, but that's okay - who doesn't love a sweet chubby baby in footed pajamas?! :) Happy 5 Month Birthday, Macy Marie! We love you!

Day 153 - Hard to Pick Just One

I have a lot of pics to post today, simply because we took so many, and so many of them were too cute not to post! :) I'm now making these flower clips for headbands and hats and today, Macy advertised one while we went to McDonald's to let the kiddos play for a while. It was VERY cute and she got lots of smiles from strangers. She's my new flower model, so be expecting more pics like these in the future :)

Day 152 - A Day Alone

Unfortunately, Miguel's brother-in-law (his step sister's husband), Pete, passed away in the night, so Miguel took the baby and spent the day out at their home with some of the family. I haven't been sleeping much lately, and he could tell how worn out I was, so Miguel left me at home to get some rest. I got a little sleep but I spent some time cleaning up the house and getting prepared for our guests...Miguel's sister & nieces, Mari, Genna & Micaela, came over and played the Wii and had pizza with us. The girls are spending the night and all day Saturday with us as well. It was a fun night, and Macy bug was worn completely out from all of the excitement of seeing new faces during the day and then all of the dancing and game playing that she watched at night.

Miguel also went and saw Grandma Veva... He took a few pics while there, one that I'm posting... (a bit blurry but not too bad). :) The other one from today is just of Macy sleeping. As usual.