Macy had her 8 week appt. today (she's actually 9 weeks today). Aside from the three shots (OUCH!), she had a good visit with Dr. B. She's in the 50th percentile for weight (she's now 10lb 11oz) and 35th percentile for her length (she's 22.5inches). Dr. B. said she already hit a 6 month milestone by standing/putting her weight on her legs. And that we need to not leave her alone on the bed or couch anymore because she is very close to rolling over. Yikes! I think she's going to be a handful much earlier than we thought! :) Everything else looks fine and we go back in two months. And yes, she cried (screamed that poor, pitiful little cry) when getting the shots. Who wouldn't?! She's now sporting a yellow Crayola Crayon bandaid on one leg and a red white & blue flag bandaid on the other. And for my own record, she also had a liquid dose of a rotavirus vaccine - and because she was starving, she drank that stuff right up! Since the appointment, she's slept all day. Only waking to eat. Poor girlie. This is the best I got tonight. I didn't want to disturb her peaceful sleep. :)
PS - If you want to leave a comment, I now know how! Use the Name/URL choice and just type your name - you do NOT have to put anything in the URL spot. Just the name spot will work. It gave me an error the first time I tried it, but then I just had to do it again and it worked. I think the error was not even something you should encounter, though, so go ahead and try it :)