365 Days of Macy


A photo for each day of Macy's first year of life...

Day 83 - A monkey and his banana

Macy bug woke up feeling bad this morning. Juicy sounding cough and congestion, but nothing much else. No fever or even runny nose, so who knows what's going on. We'll find out at the doctor on Monday if we still need to go.

Photo session this morning, Andrew's school carnival in the afternoon, and then we drove to Mimi & Papa's house tonigh for T&Ting. Andrew was a monkey, and Macy was a banana. They were too cute. We had a lot of fun out and about and are now all about to crash!!

Day 82 - Pump it up but no sliding for her!

We had a birthday party to attend tonight for Jacob, a cousin of ours on Miguel's side... It was at Pump It Up and Andrew was SO excited. I guess Macy was too, but she was upset that she was too small to do any jumping or sliding. ;) She was loved on though, that's for sure! And I got to do what I love - take pictures! Tomorrow is trick or treating with the family back home - can't wait to post pics of that! Here's a pic of Aunt Linda with Macy, the three of us (Macy was busy being loved on!), and Macy bug smiling at her Aunt Mari :)

Day 81 - Scarecrows and polka dots

Macy went with Miguel and I to see Andrew in his Kindergarten Scarecrow parade this morning at school. Luckily he had his scarecrow from last year's Halloween, so he threw that on and walked the hallways slapping high-fives to his older friends who were standing to watch the "parade". It was really cute, so I'm throwing in a pic from it...

Macy - not much to update on her. She wore a really sweet pink and brown polka dot top with pink and brown striped pants, today. She looked way too cute :) But she fell asleep early, so I didn't get a really good pic of her in it. A closeup headshot is as good as it gets. But hey, I did get a new card reader, so I can finally post the better quality pics :) And one of the pics, the one with her reflection in the mirror, was taken the other day when I wasn't able to post it from my memory card...

Halloween pics this weekend! Can't wait to show off my kiddos in their silly costumes!

Day 80 - Too tired to write

Still haven't gotten a new card reader so this is the best pic I have from today.....

Day 79 - A broken card reader means better pics tomorrow

Well, I took some cute pics today for the blog and when I went to upload them, i discovered that my memory card reader was broken! So I had to take a grainy pic with my other camera so that I could upload another way. So maybe tomorrow I will post the better pics but for today, this is all you get :)

Oh, and the spoiled rotten on her bib - that's absolutely true about little miss Macy bug :) AND!!! She laughed at me today!!! I started playing peek-a-boo with her and she let out a little giggle!!! Andrew heard it but then she got the hiccups and wouldn't do it again. But it was so great to hear her first little laugh! :)

Day 78 - A painful day for mom, an "off" day for Macy

I've had a horrible headache all day long that kept me home from work, unfortunately. Macy went to the babysitter's house, and she, too, had some sort of issue today. She's been crying a lot for some reason we can't figure out, she hasn't been sleeping good, and she's just not herself. Not sure what's going on. Even now, it's 10pm and she's still awake...which is odd for her. Who knows. I hope it's nothing... She did pass out on Miguel for a bit during dinner, so I snapped a quick pic for the blog so I wouldn't have to mess with her later and chance making her mad...as posing for photos isn't the highest thing on her list of priorities when she is feeling bad :)

Day 77 - Dedication and the Air show!

Our families came in town this morning for Macy's dedication at church. It was very nice and it was great having everyone with us at church. Afterward, we had a quick lunch at McD's and then changed and went to the Alliance Air Show! It, as usual, was amazing and we all really enjoyed the Blue Angels show. Even Macy didn't seem to mind the loud planes - she slept through most of it. And we let her use our ear plugs, but she told us she didn't need no stinkin' ear plugs! :)

Day 76 - She's all set now!

God blessed us HUGELY today. I was able to sell some of the kiddos old clothes to the resale shop, and in exchange, got 8 outfits and $10 in cash :) Then Mari & Vivian (Miguel's sister & mom) came over and had gone shopping and bought Macy a million little outfits - even a little blue mini skirt! :) THEN, while I was at the resale shop, a lady from my online mommy group, wrote me and let me know that she had a Bumbo seat/tray, and a bag of baby clothes for the winter that the resale shop didn't take from her, that I could HAVE. So I got a really big bag full of even more clothes for her! SUCH a blessing!! Now, if I could just figure out what she will be wearing to the dedication tomorrow at church! :)

On to the pic... I tried to be creative today, but Macy wasn't having it. Ah well. Gotta find some more infants to work with! I got a little shot of her in a basket again, and then one with her little crocheted hat she got when she was born - I'm sure our laughter drove her crazy but it was pretty cute when we put it on her. haha Enjoy!!

Day 75 - She's a leopard print kind of girl

Had to dress the girl up today - gotta let her wear these clothes before she grows out of them like she's done with all the newborn stuff! :) Getting ready for a fun weekend and the dedication on Sunday at church and then the Alliance Airshow afterwards. Can't wait! It's going to be a beautiful weekend!!

Day 74 - A good day

Nothing exciting about today. One day closer to me being able to stay at home full-time with my baby girl and being there when Andrew comes home from school every day. Just random pics taken tonight before bathtime :)

Day 73 - Rainy Rainy Day

I don't think it's stopped raining at all today. We're all soaked and tired of running to and from the car from school, home, and church. It's nice to be inside now and dry, getting ready to get to bed.

Andrew discovered new batteries in my old digital camera and he's SO excited. He's such the cute little photographer - he sets up his action figures and takes cute candid shots of them - and of every other single thing in our house! :) So he gladly took today's 365 pic(s). He really wanted her to smile, but she had just eaten and was fading away into that "happy place"...and the yawn one, he took this morning when we were heading out the door for work/school. Enjoy :)

Day 72 - Macy's first words

A friend/coworker told me that I should post some video of Macy "talking" since she's doing it more and more lately. So that's what I'll do tonight, along with the regular posting of a photo taken today. :)

Day 71 - Color me sneezy

Back to work after a nice weekend together.... Can't wait until I no longer have to wake up on Mondays and send my baby girl off to the babysitter's house. She looked really sweet today and has really started giving us bigger smiles now - the ones where we can see her little dimple. :) I'm loving it and can't wait to hear her first laugh!! Macy loves it outside, so once again we took the chair out front and got a few pics. But apparently the sun makes her sneeze just like it makes her daddy. Too cute :)

Day 70 - Church friends & tummy time

After church, we went to lunch with some friends from church and their kiddos. Morgan just loved Macy bug and so we had to get a pic on my phone with her for the 365 blog! :) Then tonight, we let Macy have some tummy time and of course Andrew wanted in the pic too! She's still up so I have to go relieve Miguel so he can get some sleep! Until tomorrow...

Day 69 - We are beat!

Marcie and her family were here today, and while my sis had to be in a continuing education class all day, and my BIL was at the TX/OU game, Miguel and I kept my niece & nephew. THAT was an experience, let me tell ya (a good one, don't get me wrong - but it's harder than I thought toting 4 kiddos to McD's, a pumpkin patch, and to get ice cream lol)! Got a few pics from the deal, though, but I'm only posting one from tonight after bath-time, and I will share a link to view the ones from the pumpkin patch tomorrow. For now, it's time for bed!!

Day 68 - A visit with cousin Jake

Jake, my nephew, came in town with my sister and my niece and BIL.... Jake just loves to love on the baby, so we had to get a picture of him with her. Not a very good pic of Macy bug but it sure is cute of Jake! :) Tomorrow is the pumpkin patch!!

Day 67 - A long, long day

Sheesh. I seem to be missing Macy more and more every day that goes by when I'm at work and not with her. Andrew, too. I'm so excited to be able to be at home with and for them. It gets worse and worse the closer I get to my last day of work. I'm so ready to already be there. God is definitely teaching me some lessons on patience, that's for sure!
Miss Macy bug is growing like a weed, so I'm putting her in a few outfits this week that she's starting to get too big for. And now it's getting cool outside, so I've had to go raid the resale shops for some pants and long sleeved tops for the girlie. Don't want her freezing!

It was a pretty day outside, so we took the photos outdoors today in the normal photo chair :) (and one of Andrew because he's just as special) :)

Day 66 - I just wanna be a T-Kid for Jesus!

T-Kids at church tonight after work/school/daycare. "Auntie Donna" held Macy for the majority of the night, so Macy got lots of loving on. She was a happy girl. And then passed out when it was over. This was taken on my phone, so it's not the best quality, but I didn't want to mess with her while she's sleeping so that's all you get for today :)

Day 65 - A new friend in Harley

We finally let one of our three dogs back inside after all of this rain made him completely matted and muddy. The dog is the only one of all of them who actually likes to sit in the rain and then run around in the mud. So I was having no more! He's back inside until the yard dries out and we went and got him groomed today. Macy was able to see him all cleaned up, and she had lots of smiles to share with him. I think it's a friendship that will last until she's able to pull his hair :) The other pic - she was up most of the evening, but as soon as I picked her back up from her bouncy chair, she snuggled next to me while I edited photos, and fell right to sleep. Sweet baby girl.

Day 64 - Our girl is advanced

Macy had her 8 week appt. today (she's actually 9 weeks today). Aside from the three shots (OUCH!), she had a good visit with Dr. B. She's in the 50th percentile for weight (she's now 10lb 11oz) and 35th percentile for her length (she's 22.5inches). Dr. B. said she already hit a 6 month milestone by standing/putting her weight on her legs. And that we need to not leave her alone on the bed or couch anymore because she is very close to rolling over. Yikes! I think she's going to be a handful much earlier than we thought! :) Everything else looks fine and we go back in two months. And yes, she cried (screamed that poor, pitiful little cry) when getting the shots. Who wouldn't?! She's now sporting a yellow Crayola Crayon bandaid on one leg and a red white & blue flag bandaid on the other. And for my own record, she also had a liquid dose of a rotavirus vaccine - and because she was starving, she drank that stuff right up! Since the appointment, she's slept all day. Only waking to eat. Poor girlie. This is the best I got tonight. I didn't want to disturb her peaceful sleep. :)

PS - If you want to leave a comment, I now know how! Use the Name/URL choice and just type your name - you do NOT have to put anything in the URL spot. Just the name spot will work. It gave me an error the first time I tried it, but then I just had to do it again and it worked. I think the error was not even something you should encounter, though, so go ahead and try it :)

Day 63 - A lazy day at home

Everyone's tummies were feeling kinda icky today, so we stayed in and rested and got ourselves to feeling better. Luckily, Macy was just fine. She's asleep now so after I post this, I'm heading to bed myself. Got another cute pic of Macy bug outside today in her chair. She's such a blessing :) Oh, and the pic of her little pouty lip sticking out - this was too funny - Miguel would put his finger under her lip and act like she was talking to us by pulling her lip down with his finger....apparently she didn't like this, because we kept getting "the lip" from her every time. It was too funny.

PS - If you know how to, try and leave me a comment on this post. I am trying to see if anyone is able to or if my settings need to be changed or something. I think to leave a comment you just click on the link under the post that says something about comments. Not sure, but try if you know how, so I can see that at least someone is able to do it. Thanks!! (you should be able to sign a comment with your name or as anonymous)

Day 62 - Two months old already!!

Macy turned two months old yesterday (yes, I'm posting this a day late!). I can't believe how fast time has flown since she was born! Instead of using the bear we used in the 1 month photo, Andrew made a build-a-bear (build a cat?) for her. We'll be using Haylee the cat (named by Andrew) on the 10th of each month from here on out :)

Day 61 - No Macy, you can't eat the lobster yet

I'm posting this a day late, but I did take it on the correct day, just to make that clear :) We drove to East Texas last night and had dinner with Macy's dear Abuela & Papa Bill at Red Lobster. Yummy. Macy was very happy to see them and we had a nice meal before heading to Lindale to head to bed and get up in time for a photoshoot this morning. Snapped a few shots at dinner...more to come later!